Prepare for the BWA Essay
Taking the BWA requires that you read, analyze, and write a well-thought-out critique of an argument in 30 minutes. For many, this is an overwhelming prospect. The key to beating anxiety and writer's block is to have an idea of what you will write before you even look at the prompt.
How to Ideate
Before you are ready to write your essay, you will need to be able to generate ideas. If you follow a set pattern, it will become simple to come up with enough ideas for a substantive analysis. Using our three-step pattern, you will be able to efficiently and effectively identify and write out a solid analysis.
- Find a flaw – Familiarize yourself with common logical fallacies used in arguments to help you quickly identify places where the text asserts something without sufficient evidence.
- Identify its underlying assumption – Ask yourself what assumptions the author is making given the details and evidence he or she has provided so far.
- Identify the relevant requisite evidence to deal with it – Once you have identified the assumption, you can offer an analysis of what evidence the author would need to provide in order to strengthen his or her argument.
Using a Template for the BWA
The BWA is scored in a way that makes it possible to have a basic template in mind that can be strengthened later with relevant details from the provided prompt. Having this prepared will not only help you write a convincing essay, but also help you organize the specific details you are pulling from the prompt. We recommend that you plan your ideas in a brief outline during the 30 minutes provided. Memorizing your own version of the example template below will help you keep your ideas in order, taking some of the pressure off.
- [Source] argues that [restate argument].
- As it currently stands, the argument relies on assumptions without clear evidence and fails to address key points which undermine the conclusion as a whole.
- Consequently, the argument has several flaws which make it unconvincing.
- Until [flaw 1], [flaw 2], and [flaw 3] are dealt with, this argument cannot be seen as viable.
Body Paragraph 1:
- [Transition such as "First of all,, "Firstly," "For one," etc.] the argument asserts…
- The author's claim seems highly unlikely because…
- The argument could be strengthened if it had provided evidence that [analysis].
- This possibility proves that the conclusion is vulnerable.
Body Paragraph 2:
- [Transition such as "Secondly," "Also," "In addition," etc.] the argument claims that [clearly identify second logical fallacy].
- Again, this is a weak claim with no substantive support that there is any correlation between [item A] and [item B].
- However, if the author would have provided evidence that [analysis], the argument would have been strengthened.
Body Paragraph 3:
- Finally, the argument concludes that [clearly state the conclusion the argument reaches].
- However, it still remains unclear [analysis/state the unanswered questions which should be addressed].
- To strengthen this argument, the author must provide evidence to support [analysis].
- [Transition such as "In conclusion," "In summary," etc.], the argument is not convincing because of the above-mentioned flawed reasoning.
- If the author had clearly mentioned [the missing relevant information OR feel free to include specifics you mentioned in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3], the argument would be considerably strengthened.
- In its current state, the author's argument that [insert argument] is weak and unsound.
Depending on how much you write in each paragraph and how you structure your sentences, you may prefer creating two supporting paragraphs rather than three. The most important part of completing the BWA is demonstrating your ability to thoughtfully critique an argument, so take the space you need while keeping your analysis focused and to the point. The more you practice writing essays for the BWA, the more comfortable you will feel, and the better you will ultimately perform.