GMAC Business Writing – BWA

How to use the allotted 30 minutes for the GMAC BWA

You are given exactly 30 minutes to write the best essay you can for the BWA argument given to you. It is critical to have a time-based plan and stick to it so you don't find yourself leaving things out, rushing at the end, or failing to complete the essay.

Here is a suggested plan for your 30 minutes:

Step One: Read (2 minutes)

Read the argument prompt carefully. Doing so will kick your brain into thinking mode and help you focus on the task at hand while also calming the butterflies in your stomach. In these two minutes, read the BWA question at least twice to ensure you don't miss any nuance that can be exploited in your essay. During this time, you should break down the argument into the main conclusion and supporting premises so that you can start work on weakening the assumptions and evidence in the next part.

Step Two: Ideate (5 minutes)

This is when you will brainstorm and generate ideas. During this time, you will determine the main message of your essay, so don't rush yourself, and remember to stick to your plan. These few minutes should yield a rough structure of what points you will mention in your essay—your opening paragraph, your supporting paragraphs, and your concluding paragraph. Consider using the provided scratch pad to jot down a very brief outline so you can keep your ideas organized. This also ensures you have ideas to refer back to at the end of these five minutes, helping you avoid writer's block once you begin writing your essay. Many experts suggest dividing your ideas into two paragraphs, giving your essay a total of four paragraphs (one opening paragraph, two supporting or body paragraphs, and one closing paragraph). 

Step Three: Type (20 minutes)

During this time, you will delve into and further explain the points you generated in the previous five minutes. Don't forget to reference the outline you jotted down. In addition to keeping writer's block at bay, this will also help you minimize how many times you jump from one idea to another. 

That being said, if one paragraph you are working on is making you feel stuck, don't force yourself to work in a linear fashion. You can move on to the next paragraph and return when you feel ready to tackle it again. As long as you are keeping your paragraphs structured and ideas separated, you can move fluidly between ideas in the way that works best for you. By using this method, even if your thoughts are jumping around, your structure is already solidly in place to avoid coming across as unorganized to your readers. 

By the end of this 20 minutes, you should have a draft of your essay. To hit around 500 words, you should have written about 30-35 sentences of 15-20 words each. With sufficient practice, your essays will more easily reach this mark, and you will not have to actually count the number of words you write on the day of your exam.

Step Four: Review (3 minutes)

At this point, resist the temptation to add any new points. Simply read your essay twice, correcting it for syntax, grammar, and spelling mistakes, and ensure that proper transition words have been used as you switch from one point to the next. Try to increase the vocabulary level as well, but don't resort to using fancy language, flowery words, or quotes/sayings. Look for places where you can vary your syntax to make a more sophisticated impression on those reading your essay. Stick to formal English and keep the language relevant and unornamented.

General Tips

  • After reading the full Manhattan Review BWA book, practice writing at least four or five essays.
  • Go through the remaining BWA topics and think over what you would write about them.
  • Take advantage of the GMAC Write tool, an online tool that helps students prepare for the BWA.
  • Check your typing speed; it is better to write essays closer to 550-600 words than just 300 words or so. You should be able to type that many words in less than 20 minutes.
  • Absorb the vocabulary used in the 40 sample essays provided in the Manhattan Review BWA book. You should be familiar enough with these words to incorporate them into your essay without any difficulty.
  • Read the sample essays more than once to train your mind to organize your thoughts along those lines.
  • If your command of English is not strong, make sure you understand and adhere to basic principles of written English to minimize grammar errors. Reading quality publications such as The Economist or The New Yorker, among others, may help you to familiarize yourself with grammar, as well as varied syntax.

While the BWA is a challenging task, it can be mastered through a combination of diligent practice and managing your anxiety enough to stay focused on the day of your test. Follow our recommended steps and general tips to achieve your highest test score.