Free GMAT Practice Questions

Question 1 of 1
Section: Verbal Reasoning - Sentence Correction
Topics: Agreement; Grammatical Construction; Idiom; Logical Prediction

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The Brexit negotiations are faltering and the UK government's hopes to opening talks on a future trade deal with the EU this autumn looks likely to be increasingly dashed, the EU's chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, has reported back to the bloc's member states.

Ahopes to opening talks on a future trade deal with the EU this autumn looks likely to be increasingly dashed
Bhopes of opening talks on a future trade deal with the EU looks increasingly likely to be dashed this autumn
Chopes to open talks on a future trade deal with the EU this autumn look likely to be increasingly dashed
Dhopes of opening talks on a future trade deal this autumn with the EU look likely to be dashed increasingly
Ehopes of opening talks on a future trade deal with the EU this autumn look increasingly likely to be dashed
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