Cancellation of GMAT Scores
Voluntary Cancellation of GMAT Scores
Since the introduction of the GMAT Focus Edition in 2023, test-takers no longer must indicate the business schools they want to receive their Official Score Report before taking the exam. They now make that designation after seeing their score. Additionally, the score report sent to business schools no longer includes your entire GMAT score history—it only includes a single score, which will be your latest, or most recent, GMAT score. The schools you select will only see your score from the most recent test you took, not your scores from the previous five years. This means you are not required to disclose past results to colleges if you choose not to. Because of these changes, there is no longer any need to voluntarily cancel your GMAT score.
Cancellation or Rescheduling of GMAT Registration
GMAT registration cancelled more than 60 days before the test date results in either a rescheduling fee of $55 (test center administration) or $60 (online administration) for students who still wish to take the test, or a partial refund of $110 (test center) or $120 (online) for students who decide not to take the exam at all. Registration cancelled between 15 and 60 days before the test date results in either a rescheduling fee of $110 (test center) or $120 (online), or a partial refund of $80 (test center) or $90 (online). Registration cancelled 14 days or less before the test date results in a rescheduling fee of $165 (test center) or $180 (online), or a partial refund of $55 (test center) or $60 (online). Rescheduling or cancellation is not permitted within 24 hours of the exam, and no refund of any of the registration fee will be given. Fees may vary outside the U.S. Cancellation or rescheduling can be completed online for exams scheduled at either a test center or online, or by phone for test center appointments only. An additional $10 fee is charged for rescheduling or canceling by phone.
Involuntary Cancellation of GMAT Scores
GMAT scores are only reported for test-takers who follow all GMAC policies, procedures, and test center rules. GMAT scores may be involuntarily cancelled for "policy violations" and "serious policy violations" (which will be shown as "P" and "S" respectively on official score reports). Scores may also be cancelled or withheld if GMAC believes there's a legitimate reason to question a score. Policy violations include accessing electronic devices or study guides, not following instructions from the proctor, and being disruptive. Examples of serious policy violations include falsifying score reports, taking the test on behalf of another person, revealing test content, and payment fraud. Policy violations generally result in revocation of scores, notification of schools, and testing bans of up to five years, depending on the severity of the offense. Serious policy violations may generate all of the same consequences, but with longer testing bans of a minimum of one year and a maximum of life. Students taking the GMAT should make every effort to learn and follow all applicable policies to ensure that their scores are not cancelled involuntarily.
GMAT Score Cancellation for Testing Issues
GMAT scores that are cancelled because of testing issues will be designated "T" on official score reports. Testing issues are generally beyond the control of the individual student, and can include administrative errors, registration or payment mistakes, accidental disclosure of test content, or disruptions at the test center (e.g. extreme weather or loss of power). The testing issue category is also sometimes used as an interim designation when there is a suspected policy violation, as in cases of unusual answer patterns, extreme score changes, or wildly inconsistent sectional scores. Official score reports will display a "T" while the matter is being investigated by GMAC, and will be later revised to reflect the outcome of that investigation. Test-takers whose scores are cancelled due to testing issues may be offered a retest free of charge or a refund. Students have 15 days from the test date to make this decision, and retests can be scheduled as far as six months in advance.
Making Decisions on Score Cancellation
Voluntarily cancelled GMAT scores do not appear on official score reports. However, test-takers should consider business school application deadlines, the 16-day waiting period for retests, and the maximum of five GMAT attempts in a one-year period before deciding whether or not to cancel disappointing scores. Ideally, this decision should be made before the test is taken. Many admissions consultants advise their clients to assume that they will take the GMAT at least twice, and to plan their business school applications around two test dates rather than one. In many cases, this is good advice, especially for international students who may be unfamiliar with testing procedures in the United States. Other plausible reasons for the voluntary cancellation of scores can include sudden health problems or instances of physical discomfort, which can adversely affect performance on the test. Students considering score cancellation should remember the associated costs. Between fees for re-registration and transportation expenses, retesting can have a significant financial impact.