GMAT Tutoring in Berlin (Germany)

GMAT Tutoring in Berlin

The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) presents challenges as diverse and unique as the students taking the assessment. No two students face exactly the same set of test preparation circumstances. Manhattan Review is an international educational services company that has been effectively preparing students for the GMAT since 1999. In addition to on-site and online GMAT prep courses, MBA admissions consulting, and GMAT practice tests, we offer Berlin students custom-designed GMAT tutoring in one-on-one instructional format. Our GMAT tutoring accounts for every student characteristic relevant to the learning process, including academic background, current level of ability in each of the GMAT's testing areas, future academic and professional goals, preferred learning style, and optimal approaches to GMAT teaching and learning. This targeted GMAT instruction produces superior results, and it also saves valuable time and effort by focusing on the areas of greatest need. Berlin students cannot find a more effective and practical method of preparing for the GMAT.

Manhattan Review's customized GMAT instruction also allows our students to reach whatever score levels are appropriate for them. Above-average GMAT performance gives any student his or her best chances at business school acceptance, but the average range depends on the institution. At Columbia Business School, where the acceptance rate is about 18%, 80% of accepted students scored between 680 and 760, with an average of 715. At Ohio State University's Fisher College of Business, an institution ranked below Columbia but still in the top 50, the middle 80% score range is 600 to 720 with an average of 664. A GMAT score of 700, for example, would be well above average at OSU but below average at Columbia. A student with this score is very likely to get accepted to Fisher, but far less likely to be offered a seat at Columbia. Manhattan Review's private GMAT tutoring helps our students achieve their individual goals with respect to GMAT prep, and our instruction is geared toward whatever GMAT scores are necessary for a given student.

Employment outcomes for graduates of business school are quite good. Independent sources show an average early-career salary of $104,000 per year for graduates of Columbia Business School, with average mid-career annual earnings of $167,000. OSU's Fisher College of Business reports that its recent MBA graduates earned an average starting salary of about $100,000 a year, with 92% of these alumni receiving job offers. Manhattan Review's GMAT students have been accepted to institutions such as Harvard Business School, Dartmouth College's Tuck School of Business, MIT's Sloan School of Management, the Stanford Graduate School of Business, London Business School, and the University of Edinburgh Business School. Our former students have graduated from these top business schools and accepted highly-paid positions at Fortune 500 companies and Berlin firms, including Berkshire Hathaway, General Electric, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Design Hotels, Löwe Automobil, Siemens Energy Sector, and August Storck. With Manhattan Review's GMAT private tutoring and GMAT prep courses, you can get started today on your own distinguished future.

GMAT Private Tutoring

Hours package 12 to 48 hours, Personalized 1-on-1 Tutoring, In Person or Live Online

GMAT Private Course

12 hours in total, Personalized 1-on-1 Course, In Person or Live Online

GMAT Prep Course Berlin - Photo of Student Alan

Thought you’d like to know… I scored 770 (unofficially) on the test Monday morning in Twickenham."
- Alan (This student took our GMAT weekend course)


Phone: +49-30-9173-4902

Primary Course Venue:

Strausberger Platz 9
10243 Berlin

NOTE: We do NOT typically have staff at the venue, so email us before visiting the venue.

Meet a Berlin GMAT Tutor: Trudy P.

Trudy P., a first-generation American of German decent, grew up in St. Paul, Minnesota. She has long dreamed of living in Germany, and she moved to Berlin in 2014. Her career as an educator began in 2007 after she finished her undergraduate degree in education at UCLA. She was a public school teacher in the Los Angeles area while completing a master of business administration at UCLA's Anderson School of Management.

Trudy's GMAT tutoring career began while she was a student at Anderson, and she now has over five years of GMAT prep experience. Her students have been accepted to top business schools in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and Australia. When she's not teaching, Trudy is a full-time employee of a Berlin research firm, where she is in charge of statistical analysis of various issues in the educational services industry.

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