GMAT Tutoring in Bronx (New York)

Students in the Bronx who are preparing for the Graduate Management Admission Test, or GMAT, may feel that they require the services of a private tutor to help them get through the process of exam preparation. Manhattan Review is the best resource in the Bronx area for private GMAT tutoring, and has been helping students to prepare for a wide variety of standardized tests since 1999, including the GMAT. Students who work with Manhattan Review for private tutoring services can either solely work with a private tutor for their course of study, or they can combine it with Manhattan Review's group course and practice exams to allow them to study under a plethora of different learning methods. Students who work with Manhattan Review also have a variety of benefits to utilize in combination with their study options to help them with getting the most out of their study plans.
Students who work with one of Manhattan Review's private tutors will be able to customize their lesson plan as necessary to focus on their strengths and weaknesses as they feel would be appropriate. Students who work with one of Manhattan Review's private tutors will also be working with an instructor who has many years of experience with helping their students prepare for the GMAT using a variety of different study methods, along with having access to flexible scheduling and the ability to work with their private instructor in-person or online for both private tutoring and group courses. Students who work with one of Manhattan Review's private tutors in-person can utilize any location in the New York area that is mutually convenient for both instructor and student, and students who utilize Manhattan Review's practice tests will be working with exams that are updated as needed to accurately represent the GMAT's current formatting and content.
Students who have worked with Manhattan Review for private tutoring and other forms of study for the GMAT exam have seen an increase in their score on the day of the exam, thanks to their instructors providing them with an increased knowledge of the material on the exam and the test-taking skills needed to perform well on it. Students have translated their higher scores on the day of the GMAT exam into acceptance at a wide variety of universities, including schools such as Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Princeton, Columbia, New York University, University of Chicago, Emory, Oxford, Cambridge, UCLA, Penn State, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, William and Mary, and many others. Students have also translated their academic backgrounds at these universities into a wide variety of careers both in the Bronx and outside of it. Call or email one of Manhattan Review's academic program advisors today to learn more about our options for GMAT preparation.
GMAT Private Tutoring
Hours package 12 to 48 hours, Personalized 1-on-1 Tutoring, In Person or Live Online
Hours package
Hours package
GMAT Private Course
12 hours in total, Personalized 1-on-1 Course, In Person or Live Online

I took the GMAT yesterday and my unofficial score is a 680! Hopefully, this score will be enough to get me into one of my programs of choice. Thank you for all of your help, your knowledge of the gmat and assistance definitely helped me improve my score.
- Michael (This student took our New York GMAT classic course and private tutoring)
Meet a Bronx GMAT Tutor: Tom V.
Tom V., who grew up in the New Orleans area and gained a Master's degree in Mathematics from Emory University before moving to the Bronx to work as a teacher. He also covers both graduate level exams such as the GMAT and GRE, and high school level exams such as the SAT and ACT, while working as a private tutor for New York City students with Manhattan Review,
Tom has helped a wide variety of students with their GMAT preparation by the process of leading them to the advanced skills needed to understand the more complicated problems they will encounter after working through the more entry level subject matter that is covered on the exam. In his spare time away from teaching his students, he likes to play baseball.