GMAT Private Tutoring in Cambridge (Massachusetts)

Manhattan Review has been the leading resource for students and professionals preparing for the GMAT since 1999. In Cambridge and the greater Boston metropolitan area, countless aspiring MBAs have benefitted from our private GMAT tutoring services. We provide those looking to take the next step in their career with industry-leading tools and educational techniques purposefully designed to help them gain admittance into the top business schools in the United States and around the world.
Many students do perfectly well studying in classroom-style groups. Other students, however, know that they do best learning one-on-one with a more individualized approach that is only available through private tutoring. If you intend to take the GMAT, strengthen your preparation by participating in a private tutoring program created just for you and customized to your learning needs. Every person learns in their own way and at their own pace and because of this, we are proud to offer one-on-one tutoring services to help you prepare for the GMAT. In your tutoring sessions, your instructor will begin by identifying your personal learning style, noting the strengths you already possess while mapping out ways to overcome any areas of weakness that might negatively impact your GMAT score.
Our private GMAT tutoring services are available for all clients, from those students who recently graduated from college to those professionals who want to increase their earning potential, assume more work-related responsibilities, obtain a promotion, or simply move their career to the next level. Students who have worked with our private tutoring services consistently go on to be admitted into the world's most prestigious business programs, including Oxford University, Harvard University, New York University, the University of Texas at Austin, the University of Pennsylvania, Yale University, Georgetown University, Stanford University, Northwestern University, the London Business School, the University of California at Berkeley, and elsewhere.
Cambridge (and the greater Boston area) is home to numerous internationally famous companies, and we have worked with professionals at all stages of their careers to ensure they achieved their individual MBA dreams. In our current economic marketplace, good jobs are highly competitive, and it is crucial that you stand out from other applicants. One of the best ways to separate your application from the others in the hiring pile is by showing you received your MBA or EMBA from a world-class institution of higher education. In order to be accepted by a top-tier business school, you will need a very high GMAT score, and that's where Manhattan Review is here to help…we know what it takes to obtain high total and sectional GMAT scores, and we know how to guide you to achieving your full potential. Private tutoring programs are always designed with the student in mind, and we can customize your course of study to account for your schedule, setting you up with a tutor who can meet in the evening or on weekends, if need be. Our instructors are here to help you make the most of your limited time by streamlining GMAT prep, allowing you to concentrate on the most effective test-taking techniques.
Now, more than ever, a high GMAT score is incredibly important, and the highest scores unquestionably open doors for students and professionals looking to take their success to the next level. The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), the organization responsible for the administration of the GMAT, tracks and reports statistical information about test-takers, studying them as a whole while also dividing them into subgroups. Total GMAT scores range from 200 to 800, and roughly two-thirds of test-takers will score between 400 and 600. According to the available statistics, the mean GMAT total score for all test-takers is 574. Top business programs around the world require very high GMAT scores. For example, the University of Texas at Austin, repeatedly ranked as one of the best business schools in the world, regularly has an incoming first-year class with average GMAT scores falling in the range of 650-740. When preparing your application to the business program of your dreams, make sure you stand out from the competition with application materials that shine.
We hire only the best and most dedicated tutors at Manhattan Review. It's not just about how high they scored on the GMAT or other important standardized tests…it's about how effective they are as an instructor, how well they can convey information, and how well their students are able to retain what they've learned come test day. We provide these passionate individuals with an industry-leading GMAT course syllabus, giving them a proven format to follow when guiding individual learners through mastering the necessary skills to succeed on the GMAT. Our friendly and knowledgeable tutors have mentored a diverse variety of learners, and we are proud to offer Cambridge's most flexible, customizable, and results-driven resource for GMAT preparation.
Earning an MBA isn't simply about attending classes and completing projects; it's also about the quality of the instruction you receive, as well as the connections you make with both peers and professors. Attending a highly ranked business program allows you to create professional relationships and strengthen your network while developing a resume that will allow you to live and work wherever you choose. In the dynamic global marketplace, companies can afford to be more discerning than ever when it comes to new hires, and there are always more applicants than there are positions available. Set yourself apart from the crowd by securing the highest GMAT score possible, which will allow you to attend a business school with instant name recognizability, which will then help your application stand out to hiring managers when you're applying to your dream company. Whether you choose to remain in Cambridge, Boston, the East Coast, or plan on relocating elsewhere, unlock your potential and set yourself up for the success you deserve by partnering with Manhattan Review and enrolling in a private tutoring program created specifically for you.
GMAT Private Tutoring
Hours package 12 to 48 hours, Personalized 1-on-1 Tutoring, In Person or Live Online
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Hours package
Hours package
GMAT Private Course
12 hours in total, Personalized 1-on-1 Course, In Person or Live Online
Cambridge, Massachusetts

I attended one of your preparation courses and now got a GMAT Score of 710, which is quiet good, so thanks for your help!
- Isabell (This student took our Germany GMAT weekend course)
Meet a Cambridge GMAT Tutor: Nathan M.
Nathan M. grew up in the Sacramento area and never really considered leaving California until he met someone from Cambridge on a high school choir trip. "Ethan—who I'm still friends with today—just loved Cambridge so much, and to hear the way he talked about it made me curious. I mean, California was great, but was it possible to live someplace even better? I wanted to find out," Nathan recalls with a laugh. Nathan attended the University of California at Los Angeles and obtained his undergraduate degree in business before surprising everyone in his family by applying to MBA programs on the East Coast...more than one of which was located in Cambridge.
"I knew being admitted into a top-ranked business program was going to be challenging," shares Nathan. "I was lucky to have a very supportive, and very large, family. Between my after-school job mowing lawns and everyone pitching in whatever they could, I was able to work with a private tutor to prepare for the GMAT." Nathan recalls many of his friends thinking he was being pretentious by working with a tutor, "when really, I was just being smart," he laughs. "I knew the limit to what I could do on my own, and having someone I could meet with regularly, who held me accountable about the studying I needed to do was incredibly helpful." Nathan's hard work and dedication paid off, as he scored in the top percentile of all GMAT test takers, earning himself offers of admission to numerous business schools, including his top choices in Cambridge. He ultimately chose to attend the MIT Sloan School of Management, where he focused on economics and improving developing economies around the world. Nathan obtained a position with a global company that allowed him to regularly travel all around the world, and while he initially enjoyed this lifestyle, after a while he began to think of settling down and staying in one place.
Nathan chose to settle in Cambridge and moved to a position that didn't involve travel; while he enjoyed the chance to be home more, he found that he missed connecting with new people. He accepted a mentorship position in his company and was surprised to discover that people enjoyed learning from him, appreciating his patience, his real-world experiences, and his ability to translate his experiences into valuable lessons. Nathan joined the team at Manhattan Review in 2015 and provides private tutoring to students preparing for the GMAT. "I wish more people knew it's possible to learn how to master a test," he says. "You don't need to be brilliant and you don't need to be lucky. Being prepared is enough." When he isn't helping future business leaders obtain impressive GMAT scores, Nathan can be found singing in a community choir, fishing with his girlfriend, and enjoying picnics and potlucks with friends.