GMAT Private Tutoring in Flushing (New York)

Manhattan Review has been the number one resource for students preparing for the GMAT since 1999. In Flushing and the wider Queens area, numerous aspiring MBAs have benefited from our private GMAT tutoring services. We provide Flushing students with industry-leading educational tools designed to help them gain acceptance into the top business schools in the United States and around the world.
While it's true that many students do well studying in classroom-style groups, other students prefer the more individualized approach available through private tutoring. If you are planning on taking the GMAT, elevate your preparation with a private tutoring program created specifically for you and customized to your learning needs. No two students learn the same way, and because of this, we are pleased to offer one-on-one tutoring services to help you prepare for the GMAT. In your private tutoring sessions, your instructor will assist you in identifying your learning style, building upon the strengths you already possess while helping you overcome any areas of weakness that might have a negative impact on your GMAT performance.
Private GMAT tutoring services are available for a wide variety of clients, from those students early in their professional journeys to those who want to increase their earning potential, obtain a promotion, or simply take their career to the next level. Students who have participated in Manhattan Review's private tutoring services have gone on to be admitted to the world's finest business programs, including Oxford University, Harvard University, New York University, the University of Texas at Austin, the University of Pennsylvania, Yale University, Georgetown University, Stanford University, Northwestern University, the London Business School, the University of California at Berkeley, and elsewhere.
New York is home to numerous internationally recognized companies, and we have worked with many professionals at various stages in their careers to help them achieve their individual MBA dreams. The reality is that the current economic marketplace is incredibly competitive, and it is imperative to stand out from other job applicants by having an impressive resume showing you received an MBA from a top-tier business school. In order to ensure you are accepted to a top-tier business school, a high GMAT score will be necessary, and Manhattan Review knows just how to help you achieve that score. Our private tutoring programs are designed with the student in mind, customized to your needs and schedule, and sessions can be arranged on the evenings and weekends. Our tutors are here to help you make the most of your time by streamlining your GMAT preparation, allowing you to focus on the most important and useful test-taking techniques.
Here at Manhattan Review, we hire only the best and most dedicated tutors. We then provide them with an industry leading GMAT course syllabus, giving them a proven format to follow when guiding individual learners through mastering the skills necessary to do well on the GMAT. Our personable and experienced instructors have mentored a variety of learners, and we are pleased to offer Flushing's most personalized, flexible, and results-driven resource for GMAT preparation.
When it comes to earning an MBA, it's not simply about attending classes and completing assigned projects…it's about the quality of the instruction you receive, the relevancy of the projects to real-world tasks frequently faced in a business career, as well as the connections you establish with both professors and peers. Attending a top-ranked business program allows you to build professional relationships and strengthen your network while creating a resume that will allow you to live and work anyplace you like. In today's global marketplace, companies are more discerning than ever, and there continue to be more applicants than there are positions. Make sure you stand out from the crowd by securing your highest GMAT score possible, attending a respected business program, and making hiring managers take notice of you. Whether you choose to remain in New York City's exciting and ever-evolving market or plan to relocate elsewhere, unlock your potential and excel with a Manhattan Review tutoring program created especially for you.
GMAT Private Tutoring
Hours package 12 to 48 hours, Personalized 1-on-1 Tutoring, In Person or Live Online
Flushing, New York
Hours package
Hours package
GMAT Private Course
12 hours in total, Personalized 1-on-1 Course, In Person or Live Online
Flushing, New York

Just wanted to let you guys know how the GMAT went yesterday. I went from a 660 to 710 and since I was looking to break 700 I'm very happy with that. My Verbal percentile fell from 97 to 95, probably because I didn't look at verbal at all since the last time I did the GMAT. My math on the other hand went up from 48 percentile to 72, for which I must thank you all.
- Adeel (This student took advantage of our private tutoring service)
Meet a Flushing GMAT Tutor: Natalia W.
Natalia W. grew up in the Los Angeles area and never really considered leaving the West Coast until she met someone from Flushing on a high school trip where students helped build homes for people in need. "Irina—who I'm still friends with today—just loved New York so much, and to hear the way she talked about it immediately made me curious. I mean, LA was fine, but was it possible to live someplace that was more than just fine? I decided to find out." Natalia attended UCLA and obtained her undergraduate degree in business and marketing and then surprised everyone in her family by applying to MBA programs in and around New York City.
"I knew getting into a top-tier business program would be extremely competitive," shares Natalia, "and I was incredibly lucky to have a supportive family. Between my after-school job and everyone pitching in, I was able to work with a private tutor to prepare for the GMAT." Natalia still cites her decision to work with a tutor as "one of the best things I've ever done," and her hard work and dedication paid off, as she scored in the top percentile of GMAT test takers, earning herself acceptance to numerous business schools. She ultimately chose to attend Columbia University and while she began her tutoring career by helping out friends, she quickly realized this was something she wanted to take more seriously. "I'm sure there are some people who just get lucky on exams, but I wish more people understood it's possible to master test-taking strategies and understand the content and types of questions you'll be asked."
Natalia accepted a job working with microloans for small business owners that also allowed her to begin working as a professional test prep instructor. She joined the Flushing Manhattan Review team in 2016 and since then has helped countless students through her customized private tutoring. When she isn't guiding the next generation of business leaders, Natalia can be found watching foreign films, participating in church activities, and working on improving her guitar skills, much to her roommate's chagrin.