GMAT Tutoring in West Lafayette (Indiana)
GMAT Private Tutoring
Hours package 12 to 48 hours, Personalized 1-on-1 Tutoring, In Person or Live Online
West Lafayette, Indiana
Hours package
Hours package
GMAT Private Course
12 hours in total, Personalized 1-on-1 Course, In Person or Live Online
West Lafayette, Indiana

Now I am preparing for my GMAT tests. The course books Turbocharge Your GMAT and Official Guide For GMAT are very helpful. I think the combination of these two books is very good. What I like the most about Turbocharge Your GMAT course is Vocabulary lists. The other books don't provide such lists, but for me as a foreigner it is very important to learn the words that may appear in GMAT. For example, I was afraid not to understand a task in math section or to misunderstand it, and not to give correct answer to relatively easy question just because I didn't understand the data or the question. But after I learned Math Vocabulary list I very seldom misunderstand a task. Now the hardest GMAT task for me is Reading comprehension, because my vocabulary sometimes is not enough to understand a text, especially if it is historic matter. So now I am learning words from Vocabulary lists. Now I study hard every day, because I realize I am at a disadvantage in comparison to test takers, whose native language is English.
- Natalia (This student is based in Russia)