GRE Tutoring in Seoul

GRE private tutoring in Seoul (South Korea)

We have helped thousands of students achieve top GRE scores, marking their successful admission to graduate programs at Keimyung University, Chungnam National University, Cheju National University, Chung-Ang University, Kookmin University, Seoul National University, Pusan, Yonsei, and so many more.

South Korea is a vibrant hub of higher learning facilities with international acclaim. Find the perfect next step in your scholarly journey with our advanced and customizable learning tools. You can take advantage of the individualized attention of an expert GRE tutor right here in Seoul. With this one-on-one attention, you can work on your weaknesses to improve your standardized test score significantly.

Our alumni have been accepted to graduate schools around the world – Stanford, Harvard, University of Chicago, Johns Hopkins University, CalTech, MIT, Oxford, Cambridge, Insead, University of Toronto, and prominent programs spanning North America, Europe, and Asia. With your top percentile GRE score in Seoul, you will be poised to get into your favorite program.

Customized with your unique learning style and schedule in mind, you can get unparalleled support as you prepare for your graduate level studies. Then you can aim for admission at the world's most eminent higher education facilities, achieving a graduate degree and becoming a distinguished professional in your field of study.

With a Master's degree, you will give your qualifications and credentials a boost, a solid investment as you apply for major job opportunities in the future. Create a solid foundation for your future success starting today. A world-class Seoul tutor will help you reach your full potential and strategize your point scoring on the GRE exam. From the central urban metro region of South Asia, you can help your academics catapult your prospects and exciting career possibilities.

GRE Private Tutoring

Hours package 12 to 48 hours, Personalized 1-on-1 Tutoring, In Person or Live Online

GRE Private Course

12 hours in total, Personalized 1-on-1 Course, In Person or Live Online

GRE Prep Course Seoul - Photo of Student Sophia

I wanted to thank you for helping me with the GRE prep and let you know that your teaching tactics worked! I took the exam yesterday and got an 800 on the math, 570 on the verbal and who knows about the writing but hopefully it's not below a 4! The verbal is tricky with those silly words but I am happy with my score and ready to walk away from this ETS madness. Thanks again and all the best!
- Sophia (This student took a GRE class)


Primary Course Venue:

Sheraton Seoul D Cube City Hotel
662 Gyeongin-ro
Guro-gu, Seoul 152-887, South Korea

NOTE: We do NOT typically have staff at the venue, so email us before visiting the venue.

Meet a Seoul GRE Tutor: Ana O.

Ana discovered her knack for telecommunications and satellite communications while working part-time to pay college tuition at Emory University. She switched her field of study from History and Sociology to Communications and Media Studies. Upon graduating, her part-time employer gave her the opportunity to continue her education to culminate her growing expertise in the optimization of equipment and cellular systems. Eager to bring her career forward, Ana continued her studies at Georgetown University and spent the next seven years living in Washington D.C. Thanks to media relations and merging, Ana became involved with KT, Fixed Line Telecommunications in South Korea.

What was going to be a routine business trip overseas became an unexpected opportunity for this seasoned professional. Ana's fiancé was already abroad teaching English as a second language in Korea, and she found herself attracted to the city chic vibe of Seoul. She and her now-hubby have been living here, growing in their respective careers and beginning a family. At the same time, Ana has translated her scholarly skills and higher education achievements to the realm of standardized test prep. She works with Seoul students for one-on-one attention to help these budding talents bolster GRE scores. Ana is also a trained opera singer, and she has a flair for adventure from taking Japanese cooking classes to fostering shelter animals.

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