LSAT Tutoring in Bellevue (Washington)

Studies have shown many students can learn best through direct engagement and dialogue, similar to a one-on-one conversation. If this type of learning style matches your own, it's time to meet our LSAT private tutors to help you reach your goals. Right here in Bellevue, our top notch LSAT tutors will give you impeccable instruction. Being the only exam prep company founded by a professor, we only have sought out and retained the best educated and most passionate instructors. We offer the convenience and the added flexibility in the form of our Interactive Online Courses and traditional classroom settings as well. Our professional tutors have proven track records of consistently raising students' LSAT scores. Receive instruction from the finest tutors available and meet our past students in the halls of Yale, Harvard, Stanford, Brown and Georgetown. Or if you'd rather stay in the great state of Washington, meet past students of ours at the University of Washington Law School or Seattle University School of Law; or nearby Spokane has the prestigious Gonzaga University School of Law.
Getting into your first choice school just a lot easier with the help of expert instructors at Manhattan Review. First, we deconstructed the intricate LSAT exam and created an unsurpassed syllabus. Combined with our dynamic and knowledgeable instructors, we turn out high scoring champions year after year. For over fifteen years, we have been the go-to resource in the standardized test prep industry beginning with the benchmark book series, Turbocharge your Prep. However, what keeps us at the top of our game is our passion to see students reach their goals. Aspiring lawyers looking to take their application to the top of the pile will find our administrative staff dedicated and caring. Our world-class tutors are trained to take your weak subjects and make them your strongest. Let us take the worry out of test day as we work tirelessly to create an individual learning plan specifically designed to help you ace the exam.
Bellevue has become one of the premier places to live in the country when it came in on CNNMoney's list as the 2nd best place to live in the US. One of these reasons is because of the opportunities which exist in such an area. Upon graduating from the University of Washington Law school, some of our students have become successful attorneys right in Bellevue. Still others have taken the opportunity to become a Fortune 500's in-house council and more. If traveling outside of your home state is what you prefer, our students have been handed diplomas from NYU, Duke Columbia and Harvard over the years. The most well-known law schools always look for one item first on all applications: a top LSAT score. Don't take a chance with your future, let one of our established tutors help you reach your goals. We invite you read about one such distinguished tutor living right here in Bellevue.
LSAT Private Tutoring
Hours package 12 to 48 hours, Personalized 1-on-1 Tutoring, In Person or Live Online
Hours package
Hours package
LSAT Private Course
12 hours in total, Personalized 1-on-1 Course, In Person or Live Online

Hello, I just wanted to let you know that the current class that i am taking is really helping my studies. George has been a great help and I thank you for fitting the class into my busy schedule.
- Simone (This student prepared for the LSAT with us)
Primary Course Venue:
Manhattan Review GMAT GRE LSAT Prep
Bellevue Teaching Center at the Hilton
300 112th Avenue Southeast
Bellevue, WA 98004
Phone: (425) 449-4102
NOTE: We do NOT typically have staff at the venue, so email us before visiting the venue.
Meet a Bellevue LSAT Tutor: Kevin D.
Kevin graduated from the prestigious John Hopkins University with his B.A. and M.A. He pressed on to achieve his J.D. from Columbia University. After receiving an LSAT score of 174, which put him in the 99th percentile, he had the upper hand in choosing the best program for him. Kevin signed up for private tutoring to prepare for his own LSAT exam. This helped boost his score by more than 20 points, thanks to the help of his enthusiastic and experienced teacher.
Kevin pays it forward by teaching others what he learned: there is no substitute for hard work. He learned this from his LSAT tutor, whom he remains close with to this day. He will be the first to tell you the investment in his future paid off ten-fold. Today, Kevin passes on the same techniques he learned years ago to future aspiring lawyers. He helps his students gain invaluable confidence on test day. Sharing his keen insights into how the LSAT works, Kevin ranges from formal drills to more casual exercises hoping to channel common sense.
Outside of the classroom, Kevin is an avid football fan. His beloved Seattle Seahawks are spoken about often, and as long as you don't hate on them, he is open to hearing any debate for a better football team. An active outdoorsman, Kevin also enjoys hiking and hunting in the great Pacific Northwest.