LSAT Tutoring in Cincinnati (Ohio)

Many students find they learn best through direct engagement and the dialogue found in one-on-one conversations. If this sounds like you, the personalized attention from our LSAT private tutors will help you reach your goals. Receive outstanding instruction from our top ranked LSAT tutors right here in Cincinnati. Past students have taken our unmatched LSAT exam prep to go to the finest law schools in the country like Yale, Harvard and Georgetown.
Manhattan Review was founded over 15 years ago when we broke down the LSAT exam. Upon doing so, we learned exactly how to teach the exam like never before. Now, our students credit our unparalleled syllabus for their high percentile LSAT scores. Whether you work better with a tutor or in a classroom, we have a variety of learning options available. Our Interactive Online Courses can fill in the spaces when tutoring and classes have ended so you will be prepared regardless of scheduling.
Past students of ours have gone to become partners at prestigious law firms all over the country and the globe. Others have used their degrees for more philanthropic causes and are changing lives every day. Choosing the law school best suited for your future is key to your success. The Queen City is home to the reputable and distinguished University of Cincinnati College of Law and others throughout the Buckeye State include Moritz College of Law, Capital University Law School and the University of Dayton Law School.
With proven track records, our impressive tutors have been consistently raising student's LSAT test scores. We will match you with the most compatible private tutor in Cincinnati who will work with you and create a learning plan based on your learning style, needs and core areas to develop. Discover how our private tutoring programs are the most customizable programs available. It's is no wonder why our past LSAT test takers have went on to receive degrees at Stanford, NYU, Columbia, Harvard and Duke, to name a few.
LSAT Private Tutoring
Hours package 12 to 48 hours, Personalized 1-on-1 Tutoring, In Person or Live Online
Hours package
Hours package
LSAT Private Course
12 hours in total, Personalized 1-on-1 Course, In Person or Live Online

Hello, I just wanted to let you know that the current class that i am taking is really helping my studies. George has been a great help and I thank you for fitting the class into my busy schedule.
- Simone (This student prepared for the LSAT with us)
Primary Course Venue:
Manhattan Review GMAT GRE LSAT Prep
Cincinnati Teaching Center at the Marriott
151 Goodman Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45219
Phone: (513) 297-1580
NOTE: We do NOT typically have staff at the venue, so email us before visiting the venue.
Meet a Cincinnati LSAT Tutor: Kevin D.
Upon graduating from John Hopkins University with both a B.A. and a M.A, Kevin moved forward to receive his J.D. at Columbia University. After taking the LSAT and getting a score of 174, his 99th percentile results helped him have an upper hand while choosing the perfect law school for him.
Kevin enrolled in private tutoring to better prepare for his own LSAT exam; which in turn, boosted his score by 20 additional points. Kevin credited having an experienced and enthusiastic mentor for his outstanding score. In fact, Kevin still keeps in touch with his mentor and they meet a couple times a month to enjoy a Cincinnati Cyclone hockey game.
Today, Kevin pays it forward by using similar techniques he learned years ago. He also brings his keen insights about how the LSAT works to his students so they feel confident on the day of the test. Kevin's strategies are all based off channeling common sense yet range from casual exercises to formal drills.
One student in particular left a comment in their evaluation about how Kevin helped to "set the right attitude" for exam day. Another review of his tutelage from a Manhattan Review student who graduated with her J.D. from the University of California-Berkeley, said: "Kevin helped show me my biggest weakness was my own anxiety about not scoring high enough versus understanding the concepts. Even when I sat down to take a practice LSAT test, panic took me over. Kevin demonstrated patience while he personally took me under his wing and showed me how to approach the test and reduced my anxiety so I was able to score higher on the exam."