LSAT Private Tutoring in Honolulu (Hawaii)

Are you a Honolulu-based student planning on taking the Law School Admission Test (LSAT)? If you are seeking the most effective, comprehensive, and results-driven LSAT preparation resources, look no further than the standardized test prep experts at Manhattan Review. Our professional tutors are eager to help you obtain the highest score possible, and they know just how to help you prepare for this potentially life-changing exam. When it comes to learning, many students do incredibly well in classroom-style group settings, enjoying a sense of comradery and using their peers' questions as a springboard for increasing their own knowledge and comprehension. Other students, however, know they do not learn best in the company of others. They worry about holding the group back and feel anxious about slowing down the pace of studying; alternatively, they may experience frustration if they have mastered a particular concept but must wait to move on until others in the group have similarly mastered the information. If you know you learn best in an environment where you can work at your own pace, without the distractions posed by a group learning format, we encourage you to contact us today to learn more about the private tutoring options available through Manhattan Review.
For many students, one-on-one attention is the most useful way to grasp and retain information, and we at Manhattan Review look forward to creating a customized program of study unique to you and your LSAT needs. Research consistently demonstrates that working with a private tutor offers numerous educational benefits, including accelerated learning and retention of information, as well as improved self-confidence. Manhattan Review has been the leader in standardized test preparation since 1999, and we take great pride in pairing our clients with just the right tutor for their specific learning- and test-related needs. Our professional and knowledgeable tutors will work with you to create a personalized plan of study, taking into account the academic strengths you already possess while teaching you to overcome any areas of weakness that might negatively affect your LSAT performance. Our private tutoring programs are targeted, focusing on the areas where you need the most support, as well as comprehensive, ensuring you understand the LSAT inside-out and are not surprised by anything on the day of your exam. Our tutors have extensive experience with a variety of standardized exams, including the LSAT, having obtained their own impressive test scores, but we do not only hire exceptional test-takers…we hire exceptional instructors with strong backgrounds in education, learning theory, and student success. When you partner with Manhattan Review, you receive access to our unparalleled educational tools and cutting-edge test-taking techniques designed to help you obtain the highest LSAT score possible. We are pleased to offer industry-leading resources from the brightest and most dedicated tutors in the test prep business.
The LSAT is purposefully designed to assess the skills required for the first year of law school. These skills include reading comprehension, reasoning, and writing. LSAT scores fall in a range between 120 to 180, with the median score being approximately 152. A median score, however, will not be enough to secure acceptance to a top-tier law school, and competitive scores generally fall in the 160s to 170s. The Law School Admission Council (LSAC) is the organization responsible for the administration of the LSAT, and they regularly track and report statistical information about those who take the test, analyzing their information as a whole while also dividing test-takers into subgroups. According to the LSAC, among the most respected law schools, successful applicants have an LSAT score in the 170s. In order to be competitive for the highest-ranking law schools, it is necessary to do well on the LSAT. We at Manhattan Review can help you master all sections of the test, improving your reading comprehension and reasoning abilities while also strengthening your critical writing skills.
If you are a motivated student searching for the most effective way to take your LSAT preparation to the next level, consider working with an experienced and dedicated private tutor. There are numerous benefits to investing in yourself and your education through personalized LSAT instruction, including but certainly not limited to tailored instruction, flexible meeting times, and opportunities for immediate and targeted feedback on questions that prove most challenging for you. We have secured the services of skilled instructors with strong legal and educational backgrounds who are intent on helping others achieve their own individual successes. Whether you have been preparing for the LSAT for months or are only just beginning to consider how you will prepare, set yourself up for the success you deserve and let our personable test prep experts guide you to well-deserved test-taking success. There's no need to waste your already limited time attempting to piece together your own study plan, hoping you are focusing on the most relevant information. At Manhattan Review, we've taken the guesswork out of preparing for the LSAT, and our instructors have deconstructed this exam, analyzing every section and question to ensure you know exactly what to study. Clients who work with Manhattan Review regularly receive acceptance to top-tier law schools, including Harvard University, Stanford University, Yale University, Dartmouth College, Princeton University, Duke University, New York University, Columbia University, the University of Texas at Austin, the University of Southern California, the University of California at Berkeley, the University of Chicago, and elsewhere.
If you are ready to achieve LSAT success, give yourself every possible advantage when it comes to acing this anxiety-provoking exam and consider working with a private tutor. At Manhattan Review, we offer daytime, evening, and weekend tutoring sessions, and our tutors can meet in-person or virtually, depending on what is more convenient for you and your schedule. Customized instruction is available whenever you are, making it easy to follow your personalized LSAT study program and ensuring you can treat studying as a top priority. Let the successful and hard-working tutors at Manhattan Review guide you to your own LSAT success the same way they've helped countless other future lawyers across the United States and around the world.
While many aspects of the law school application and admission process are beyond your control, one thing you have a significant amount of control over is how well you prepare for and perform on the LSAT. The law school you attend can significantly influence the legal career you ultimately establish, and in order to become a top professional in your chosen field, it is imperative to obtain an impressive LSAT score. Given the global nature of the world we live in, the most prestigious law schools have the luxury of being selective when it comes to who they admit, and there are always more eager applicants than there are incoming freshman class positions. We specialize in partnering with focused students who wish to perform to their fullest capabilities on the LSAT, and by pairing the expert knowledge of our private tutors with your desire to excel, you can prepare for the LSAT in a way that works for you and meets all of your learning needs. At this point in your academic and professional journey, you owe it to yourself to utilize the best LSAT preparation resources and services available, and the best LSAT preparation begins at Manhattan Review. We look forward to creating a customized study program that is just right for you, and we encourage you to contact us today to learn more about our private tutoring options and how we can best support you on your path to LSAT success.
LSAT Private Tutoring
Hours package 12 to 48 hours, Personalized 1-on-1 Tutoring, In Person or Live Online
Honolulu, Hawaii
Hours package
Hours package
LSAT Private Course
12 hours in total, Personalized 1-on-1 Course, In Person or Live Online
Honolulu, Hawaii

Hello, I just wanted to let you know that the current class that i am taking is really helping my studies. George has been a great help and I thank you for fitting the class into my busy schedule.
- Simone (This student prepared for the LSAT with us)
Meet a Honolulu LSAT Tutor: Mila H.
Mila H. has always been fascinated by words and can't remember a time when she wasn't carrying a book around with her, reading every chance she had. As she progressed in school, she found herself drawn to the rules of grammar and punctuation, "which probably wasn't normal for a teenage girl, but I didn't care," she laughs. "I like the idea of there being a standardized way to share information, a predictable format everyone could agree on, although once I understood the rules of the English language, I had no problem breaking them in my own writing." In high school, Mila worked her way up from being a contributing reporter to her school's online newspaper all the way up to the position of editor. She also started her own business, offering editing and proofreading services her peers were more than happy to accept, appreciating her keen and knowledgeable eye reviewing their essays and research papers. Mila won numerous awards for her short stories and poems, and in her sophomore year, she helped co-found a peer tutoring program for students struggling with English classes and writing assignments. "I had no idea how much I would love helping others become better writers," she admits, "but watching someone go from an idea to an outline to a completed draft was so rewarding, and I knew I wanted a career that involved working with words."
Mila grew up in Las Vegas, Nevada, and thanks to her high grades, extracurricular activities, and impressive SAT score, she was accepted to the University of Colorado at Denver where she double majored in English and education. During an extra credit seminar at the end of her freshman year, Mila had the chance to hear from a visiting professor who happened to be a lawyer specializing in mergers, acquisitions, and contract negotiation. Mila was thrilled to learn there was a job that put as much importance on words as she did. "That's when I knew I wanted to be a lawyer," she shares. "Not like the ones on tv who argued cases in front of a jury, but the kind who worked behind the scenes and made things run smoothly, at least when it came to documents." Mila worked as a tutor in her university's learning center for six semesters, but when it came time to prepare for the LSAT, she switched to being tutored herself, working with a retired teacher who was also a private tutor. "I wanted to master the content of the LSAT, but I also wanted to learn to manage my time," she explains. Mila's hard work and diligence paid off when she obtained an impressively high LSAT score, earning her offers of admission to numerous law programs. She ultimately chose to attend Columbia University, respected around the world for their contracts and commercial law program.
After graduating with distinction from Columbia, Mila received numerous offers of employment from leading law firms, but after growing up in the desert, she was eager to live near the ocean. This led her to accept a position with a small firm in Honolulu that specialized in contract law for a variety of international businesses. Mila easily settled into her new position, but while she enjoyed her work, she missed the opportunity to connect with students and guide them to their own successes. While she was fortunate to lead continuing education workshops, Mila wanted to help students earlier in their careers, and when she learned about the Manhattan Review office in Honolulu, it was a perfect match. Mila's students appreciate her real-world experience, as well as her calm demeanor and ability to explain even the most confusing legal concept. When Mila isn't guiding future lawyers to their own professional success, she can be found reading as part of a volunteer program to elementary school students, organizing neighborhood potlucks, and hosting her family from Las Vegas who love visiting her tropical home.