LSAT Tutoring in Overland Park (Kansas)

One-on-one private tutoring has exceeding a large number of student's expectations for LSAT exam prep. It has been discovered that many learn better through dialogue and direct engagement like that found in a conversation. Overland Park students now have access to our world-class curriculum at Manhattan Review, which helps aspiring lawyers ace the LSAT and get into the top law schools in the country. We have dissected the exam and crafted the most in-depth and personalized study plan in the industry. Our sought after LSAT tutors are professionals in their own right, successful, bright and passionate in assisting students reach their full potential. Distinguished law schools like Yale, Harvard, Columbia, Georgetown and Stanford all have had handed our students diplomas. Overland Park natives looking to take advantage of in-state tuition have enrolled in the top law programs in Kansas like the University of Kansas School of Law, Washburn University School of Law, and UMKC School of Law.
Perhaps you have a top law school you'd like to attend. Allow our world-class tutors to help you achieve an undeniable LSAT score and make the dream a reality. Over the past fifteen years, we have made it our business to learn the ins and outs of the exam. Turning this knowledge over to the best of the best in instructors, we have watched top scoring LSAT champions move on to the next step in their bright future year after year. Being the only exam prep company founded by a professor, we are uniquely in tune with what instructors will make the biggest impact on students. Scouring the Overland Park area, we have retained professional tutors who meet our high expectations. We know that no two students are the same and that's why our friendly administrative staff will pair you with a tutor who best suits your individual learning style. From there, a personal, study guide is crafted to ensure you confidence and success on exam day.
We understand the pressure to place in the top percentiles on the LSAT and have instilled confidence in our students for over fifteen years. Keeping our courses up to date with state of the art resources as well as flexible for today's busy student, our recipe for success is quite simple. Whether your goal is to become the nation's more prominent lawyer or perhaps work for a non-profit, having a top score is essential to getting into the nation's best-known law schools. From there, the path is yours to carve. Many past students find the help from our tutors invaluable and keep in contact with their mentors for many years. In fact, they utilize their experience and knowledge to also choose from the stack of acceptance letters, from distinguished programs like Duke, NYU, Yale, Harvard, Columbia and Stanford, that fill their mailboxes after acing the exam. We invite you learn more about one of our top notch Overland Park tutors by reading their profile below.
LSAT Private Tutoring
Hours package 12 to 48 hours, Personalized 1-on-1 Tutoring, In Person or Live Online
Overland Park
Hours package
Hours package
LSAT Private Course
12 hours in total, Personalized 1-on-1 Course, In Person or Live Online
Overland Park

Hello, I just wanted to let you know that the current class that i am taking is really helping my studies. George has been a great help and I thank you for fitting the class into my busy schedule.
- Simone (This student prepared for the LSAT with us)
Overland Park
Primary Course Venue:
Manhattan Review GMAT GRE LSAT Prep
Overland Park Teaching Center at the Sheraton
6100 College Blvd
Overland Park, KS 66211
Phone: (913) 562-1152
NOTE: We do NOT typically have staff at the venue, so email us before visiting the venue.
Meet an Overland Park LSAT Tutor: Kevin D.
Upon graduating with both his B.A. and M.A. at John Hopkins University, Kevin continued his education to earn his J.D. at Columbia University. While he held the upper hand in choosing the best program for him after scoring a 174 on the LSAT, he knew it was only because he had enrolled in a private tutoring program. Boosting his score by more than 20 points after meeting with an experienced and enthusiastic teacher, Kevin used his 99th percentile results to get him through the doors of the prestigious Columbia.
What is most noteworthy is that Keven still keeps in touch with his mentor today. Even after all these years he totes that his help was invaluable and paid off tenfold. Now, Kevin pays it forward sharing his own keen insights to how the LSAT works and some of his mentors' wise techniques. He channels common sense and ranges from using formal drills to more casual exercises.
Often, Kevin's students comment on his work ethic and how he has helped 'give them the right attitude' for taking the exam. For example, one Manhattan review student who earned her J.D. from NYU, wrote, "Kevin revealed to me that my biggest weakness was centered around my own anxiety about not scoring high enough. The concepts were not the problem, but when sitting down to take the practice LSAT test, I became panic-stricken. Kevin showed me how the pros approach the test and in turn I scored much higher on the exam."