SAT Private Tutoring in Flushing (New York)

With the SAT being a potentially important step for high school students looking to demonstrate their test-taking skills to admissions committees, and its status as the most widely taken standardized test in the world, students may find themselves looking for every advantage when it comes to mastering this exam. While many students are able to successfully learn material in large group formats, other students prefer to learn through direct engagement and the individualized attention that comes from private tutoring delivered in a one-on-one setting. If you know personalized attention and setting your own pace for your learning are necessary for your test-taking success, we invite you to contact Manhattan Review to learn more about our private tutoring options. Our highly skilled tutors are right here in Flushing waiting to work with you, and we take pride in pairing every private tutoring student with just the right instructor. By partnering with Manhattan Review, you will receive access to our comprehensive and industry-leading resources, each one carefully curated to produce the highest scores on the SAT. By partnering with our professional and knowledgeable tutors, you ensure yourself access to the most effective and efficient standardized test prep resources in and around the Queens area. All of our students are equipped with the test-taking strategies and techniques necessary for exceling on the SAT, ultimately gaining acceptance to the college or university of their dreams. We take great pride in the fact that those students who complete our SAT prep programs are consistently accepted into the most prestigious and competitive institutions of higher education in the United States and around the world.
Manhattan Review has been the leader in SAT preparation since 1999. For those students who desire a customized study program, we invite you to consider working with a private tutor. Working with a private tutor can significantly accelerate your comprehension and retention of material and help you master new test-taking skills, as well as boost your confidence in your own knowledge and abilities. Our private tutoring options are carefully and thoughtfully crafted for each individual student, taking your personal needs, strengths, and areas of growth into consideration.
The SAT is composed of two sections: Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, and Math. Each section has a possible range of scores from 200 to 800. Based on accumulated statistics, the average SAT scores for the top twenty universities in the United States are as follows: 711 to 768 for Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, 740 to 797 for Math, and 1450 to 1554 for total SAT score. While these are merely guidelines and every college or university will vary, the importance of exceptionally high SAT scores cannot be underestimated. In order to be competitive for the most respected institutions of higher education, it is imperative to demonstrate a strong performance on the SAT.
Working with a private tutor is one of the most effective ways to take your SAT preparation to the next level. Our Flushing-based tutors are world-class instructors, familiar with the complexities of the SAT and well-versed in the most cutting-edge learning theories. We have retained the services of exceptional individuals with a passion for teaching, in addition to strong educational backgrounds who know how to help dedicated learners succeed on the SAT. Our tutors want to see future university students find their own academic success and are committed to helping learners at all stages of the SAT preparation process. Those in education have long known that no two students learn in the exact same way, so rather than attempting to change how you learn, set yourself up for success by learning in the way that makes most sense to you. In your private tutoring sessions, your instructor will work closely with you to identify your personal learning style, identifying the strengths you already possess while offering guidance and practical suggestions on how to overcome or improve areas of weakness. Our tutors are friendly and professional, and they know how to keep moving your learning forward while mastering our respected syllabus, allowing you to prepare for the SAT with confidence.
Students who live in and around New York City know the importance of attending an internationally recognized college or university. There are always more college applications received than there are available spots for incoming college freshmen, and it is imperative to make your application materials stand out in a way guaranteed to make the Admissions Committee take notice of you and your hard work. Attending a top-tier college is the first step towards building the career you want, as it is not enough anymore to simply have attended college. It truly does matter where you attended college. Companies who hire college graduates are more selective than ever, and given the competitive and dynamic global marketplace, they have countless job applicants to choose from. Companies want to hire people who attended a college with instant name recognizability, particularly in a market such as New York City. In order to secure the type of employment you ultimately envision yourself having, you must start by considering what will make you a desirable candidate in a competitive job market. Graduating from a world-class university will always make a favorable impression on hiring managers and future employers, and our tutors are here to assist and support you. By allowing you to make the most of your preparation time through private tutoring, we provide everything you need to score in the highest percentiles on the SAT.
Whether you plan to attend a university in New York or on the East Coast, or plan to relocate elsewhere for college, set yourself up for success by utilizing the best test preparation options available…options that begin at Manhattan Review. We are eager to help you gain the SAT score of your dreams, and we are committed to meeting you where you're at and partnering with you every step of the way. Contact us today to learn more about our private tutoring options. After deciding which one is right for you, together we will create the perfect tutoring program to set you up for unparalleled SAT success.
SAT Private Tutoring
Hours package 12 to 48 hours, Personalized 1-on-1 Tutoring, In Person or Live Online
Flushing, New York
Hours package
Hours package
SAT Private Course
12 hours in total, Personalized 1-on-1 Course, In Person or Live Online
Flushing, New York

Good SAT test taking strategies learned. I developed new skills and feel more prepared.
- Kevin Gonzalez (This student took our SAT preparation course)
Meet a Flushing SAT Tutor: Mekhi D.
Mekhi grew up in the New York City area and remembers loving books from a very early age. "Most kids wanted to go to the zoo or the park," he recalls. "But I always wanted to go to the library." Mekhi participated in countless summer reading programs and was thrilled when his grandparents bought him an oversized basket for his bike. "There was nothing better than pedaling to the library and coming back worried my bike would fall over because of all the books I'd checked out," he laughs. Once he was old enough, Mekhi began volunteering at his local library, and it wasn't long before he was hired to work a few days after school and on the weekends, reshelving books, answering customers' questions, and cataloging the arrival of new books. "It was the summer after my freshman year when I decided I wanted to be a librarian," he shares, "even though I don't think that surprised anyone."
Mekhi did his research before informally interviewing several senior librarians and learned the first step towards becoming a librarian was obtaining an undergraduate degree. "Most librarians today have a Master's-level degree in some form of library sciences," he explains, "and I knew where I went for undergrad would significantly impact where I ultimately went for my Master's." Mekhi worked countless evenings and some weekends with a private tutor (usually meeting in a reserved room at the library) and set a goal of being accepted by a handful of prestigious universities not too far from New York. Thanks to his persistence and dedicated focus, Mekhi obtained an impressive score on his SAT that allowed him to complete his bachelor's degree in English at the University of Pennsylvania. Following this, Mekhi temporarily relocated to California, where he graduated from the University of Southern California with a Master of Management in Library and Information Science.
While Mekhi enjoyed the winters in Southern California, he was eager to return home and was excited when a position opened up at the library he'd visited so frequently as a child. When he one day saw a child working with a tutor, he thought back to his own tutoring experiences and wondered if he might somehow help others seeking to attend college. He applied for a position with Manhattan Review and quickly became a top-ranked tutor, particularly among students who were the first in their families to even consider attending college. Mekhi became known for his patience, his excellent test-taking strategies, and his tips for managing test-related anxiety. When he isn't connecting people and books or helping the next generation of college students, Mekhi can be found working on his jiu-jitsu skills, playing baseball with friends, and walking his adopted Golden Retriever.